Let’s Go Out and Play!

Let’s Go Out and Play!

Looking back, I guess I took this series 3 years back? Time flies. I love the colors on this series! After watching the pretty boy Danny rise and shine, we go out and play! Pictures taken by LC-A and my lovely Fisheye2!

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The sunny boy enjoyed the sunshine so much! Oh and not forget to give the credit to the bubble, the Diana Mini, the awesome weather, as well as the colorful playground which took an important role as it’s adding in lots of color into the picture! And here’s Danny in my fisheye! :)

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Oh I especially love this one a lot! Hehe.

With the bubbly personality as what you seen him on tv show, he’s such an easy person to work with! Here’s the end of the part 2, while part 3 we are going into supermarket and shop for junk food! :) Stay tune!

Eva Eva

MY KID CAN <我孩真行>

5月12日首播,每周日 8.30pm (Astro AEC,频道301)
主持:Danny 许佳麟

现代科技生活“鼓 励”孩子通过电脑和科技工具来玩耍和学习,但是这却限制了孩子与其他人的社交与互动,包括自己的父母。家长应该成为孩子们最重要的玩伴,而更重要的是和孩 子们游戏,能够促进更紧密的家庭关系,并让他们在过程中,学习互相表达对对方的情感和情绪。正因为如此,在这一系列的节目当中,我们希望向大家示范并推荐 各项亲子游戏,让父母与孩子一起参与,同时让成长中的孩子从中获益,协助其在各方面的发展。

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